
Friday 14 June 2013

Four Feet on the Floor

It was a damp start to today. Wet paws on the way to school - eewww!

Anyway, it seems the smallest person is also being rewarded for good behaviour. But instead of tasty titbits of chicken like me, she gets something called sweets, and at the end of the weekend she'll get some stickers? Well she seemed excited about it, but give me chicken anyday!

When we walked to school today I got lots of fuss, and Mummy only used that word S-L-O-W-L-Y 117 times, instead of the usual 234.....BONUS! I must be doing something right. Maybe it was the fact that I had all four paws on the floor? Sometimes I like to walk with just the two. Well, you've seen that Pudsey guy? It worked for him!

Mummy is hoping that the rain will stop, so that later when she's finished whatever the housework is, we can go for a walk around Siblyback Lake. I'm not keen on that place really, but don't tell her. It's so windy, and it blows right up my ears! But if it makes her happy, that's ok, I'll go.

It's the weekend tomorrow, which means that most of the small people are here. Get's a bit noisy to be honest, but we do get to try out new adventures. Last weekend I climbed a mountain, oh, and learned to play football. Maybe something slightly less energetic this weekend?

Anyway, busy morning so far. Time for my Zzzzzzzz's. Catch you later.

                                                            Love Buddy

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Listening to Mummy!

 I went to 'school' last night for the first time. I made some lovely new friends. A labrador pupp which was slightly older than me at 16 weeks old and a 6 month old spaniel called Sally. We went into this big room and were allowed to play with each other without our leads on! This was great fun, until Mummy said I had to concentrate as we were going to start learning things. WHAT? No more play? Well, not sure I like this any more.
First of all we were allowed to run around and chase each other, but then when Mummy called my name I had to go to her. This was boring and I was having so much fun chasing and playing with my new friends so a couple of times I ignored her and carried on playing. Mummy wasn't happy about this. I knew this because she started using her 'cross face'. She uses it with the small people sometimes. So then for the next few times when she called me, I went. Even though Miss Labrador Pup kept trying to jump on me and eat the treat Mummy was trying to give me - OUT OF MY MOUTH!!! Really!
Then we all sat down on the floor and Mummy was stroking me and telling me what a good boy I was. How cool. Lie down, almost fall asleep, do nothing and you get treats for it! She did look in my ears and checked I'd cleaned my teeth. Not sure what all that was about? But hey....treats!!I shall do that more often.
I had to sit down, lie down and then get up again......lots of times. Not sure about the getting up again. It was past my bedtime and I was tired. But still, Miss Labrador Pup kept trying to jump on me. Don't you EVER get tired and sit down?
Anyway, I really enjoyed myself and Mummy says I have 'homework' to do this week before I see my friends again. She says we'll be practising lots of sitting. lying down and standing like we did last night. That's ok, just keep the treats coming and I'll do whatever you like!
This morning I walked the smaller people to school and Mummy had a tasty piece of chicken in her hand. I was VERY well behaved on the way up and she let me have some! (That's why I love her). On the way back she started with that word again. S-L-O-W-L-Y. Oh, and she kept going back the way we'd come. Strange? I just wanted to get home for my sleep. But the more I pulled, the more she went the other way. I really don't think she likes it when I try to run home. By the time we were walking down the path to our house, I was fed up of pulling her so I walked nicely by her side. Guess what? She gave me that tasty morsel of chicken! Maaaaan, it was good! Hmmmmm, food for thought. No pulling means tasty titbits! Well, who knew?
So, it's that time of day again. Time for my kip while Mummy does that thing again. She says its 'ironing'. She doesn't like it. But at least it means I get a longer sleep this morning. Sorry Mummy, but I do need my beauty sleep. How do you think I got this handsome?

                                                                 Love Buddy


Tuesday 11 June 2013

First Day at 'School'

Good morning! Well, my walk to school was slightly damp this morning. I much prefer the sunshine. Don't like wet paws!

Today I've had my face washed and my hair combed as I am going to meet lots of new friends tonight at Puppy Classes. The 2 smaller people have said I won't need a pencil or bag like they do. Which is good because I like to chew pens. Not really sure what to do with them otherwise? Apparently Mummy said I'm going to learn how to sit and lie down. Strange because I can already do that, but anyway, I'll go and do it just to please her. She said I'm also going to learn my manners, like how not to growl when my food is taken away? I don't do that either, but hey, there must be something they can teach me? Lastly Mummy said they are going to teach me how to walk properly when I have my lead on. Aahh, now you're talkin'! At the moment I think everything is soooooo exciting outside that sometimes I only have 2 paws on the ground. Apparently that's not how you do it? Well, let's see what ya got. Come on then show me how to do it properly. Mummy uses a word a lot when we are walking, and she keeps stopping. She keeps says S-L-O-W-L-Y. Maybe that means keep all your paws on the floor? Maybe I'll try that tomorrow.

I slept in my new bed last night. I'm a 2 bed pup now, get me! One in the lounge and one upstairs. I really liked the new one. It was sooooo soft. Mummy said I was doing 'the fly'. I don't know what that means. I mean I was just sleeping in my usual comfy position - flat on my back with my legs in the air. Don't see anything wrong in that?

Anyway, now I've made sure the children are safe at school, it's time for my morning kip. TTFN xxxx

Monday 10 June 2013

New Adventures!

WOW, what a weekend. So many new smells, things to see, things to chase. I met a sheep! Funny thing. Kept making this strange noise, and Mummy said it didn’t want to play with me! I mean, who wouldn’t want to play with me?

We climbed a huge mountain yesterday and then we had lunch at the top. I didn’t have my cute food mat and I had my food and water in some funky new coloured bowls. There wasn’t that funny dog inside them. Weird!

We sunbathed in the garden when we got back. I found all the cool parts of the garden, which was lucky, because it was VERY hot! I love being outside. I’m used to the bird noises now, and I’m not scared. I’m a fearless Jackadoodle.

I also know that just because that cat walks right past my nose, she DOESN’T want to play, and she’s just teasing me, so I don’t chase her anymore. My nose is healing nicely from the last time I did.
It’s Monday today, which means the smaller people go to school. I take them in a morning, and make sure they’ve got through the gate so I know they’re safe. Then me and Mummy go home and I go to sleep. I like it when it’s just me and Mummy.  When she’s not busy we play games and have fun. Today she’s doing that thing with clothes and that big contraption. I’m not allowed to lie on the wire and she get’s cross when I try. But I just like to be close to her.

Anyway, that’s enough for now. Time to catch a few Zzzzzzzz’s. x